Joburg City Contacts

Residents can use the following contact details to report service issues to relevant Officials at Joburg City.
City of Johannesburg: www
New Joburg Call Centre: 0860-JOBURG or 0860 562 874
Water: 011-680-1400 or  custome
Electricity: visit and click "Fault Reporting"
Pikitup and City Parks: 0860-JOBURG or 0860 562 874
JMPD: 011-375-5911
The Joburg City Council has made an urgent request to check if their children have had all four of their vaccines. The general rule is for children to get all four vaccines done in the first nine months from date of birth. You can check your child’s vaccine status and get them done for free at the Sandown Clinic next to Mandela Square – 139 West Street (corner Maude) Sandton. Call Lerato Madlala on 083 383 5233 for more details.


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